
Tuesday, October 30, 2012

All Hallow's Read

A librarian friend of mine posted this on Facebook recently. Since Halloween is tomorrow, I thought I needed to share this with you, our dear readers.

If you can't watch the video because you're at work, or your smartphone is too slow, or you just don't want to, I'll take a shot at explaining it (but I promise, the video does a better job).

All Hallow's Read is the Halloween tradition that was just waiting to happen. Here's how you participate: Give someone a scary book. Seriously, that's it. You can still do what you normally do for Halloween: give out candy, dress up, drink heavily, ignore the whole holiday entirely... whatever. But give a friend, family member, coworker, stranger, or someone else a scary book.

For more information and/or book recommendations, check out

(No, we aren't affiliated with them in any way. I just thought this was a neat idea and wanted to share it with you, our dear readers.)

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