
Monday, October 1, 2012

Banned Books Week (September 30 - October 6, 2012)

It's Banned Books Week!

Cassy and I feel very strongly about banned/challenged books, in the sense that we think you should read as many of them as humanly possible, and enjoy the heck out of them.  Though, it's perfectly fine if you don't enjoy them.  Just because it's a banned book, doesn't mean it's good.  There are some banned books out there that actually do quite suck, and while Alex and I never condone banning books, I can't help but think that some of those classics are their own special form of torture and maybe high school students have put their parents onto the idea of banning just to get out of reading it.

You can find the lists of the top ten most challenged books of each year since 2001 here. We are pleased to note that this is the first year since 2001 that none of the top ten most challenged books were challenged because of homosexuality. (This is mostly because And Tango Makes Three mysteriously fell off the list after being included for five years, four at the number one spot.)

The first book we will review for this blog is the number eight most challenged book of 2011, What My Mother Doesn't Know, by Sonya Sones. (Between the two of us, we've read most of the others on the 2011 list.  We have yet to decide if that makes us incredibly awesome or incredibly nerdy.  We'll leave that up to you. My money, though, is on both.)

So go out and celebrate Banned Books Week, and don't let anyone tell you what you can or can't read!

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