
Thursday, November 15, 2012

NaNo Week 2- Procrastination Station

Week 2

As I was once so elegantly told in college, 'Procrastination is like masturbation; in the end you're only screwing yourself.'

While I do not contest this saying, sometimes, procrastination is a good thing, especially during NaNo.  You write and write and sometimes, you just get burned out.  It's an inevitable thing.  Sometimes, procrastination leads to new ideas.  So, here on ReviewMeTwice NaNo tips, I'm going to give you some fun things to distract yourself during this month of madness.

This was a fun little meme a fellow Nanoer sent to me to describe us NaNo writers.  I think you'll really get a kick out of it.  It describes The Stages of National Novel Writing Month.

NaNo's website actually has their very own procrastination station (yes, I stole the name, but try not to be too harsh on me.)  If you go their website and scroll all the way to the bottom, it's in the right hand corner.  It is aptly named procrastination station and is updated, I believe, about once a week.

Nano also has forums!  You can go and discuss everything from characters, to plot, to your first NaNo experience, to the fact that you just can't bear writing another word.  There's a place for everyone in the forums.  There's even a place for when you don't know where else to go.

Goodreads also has a NaNo group.  If you aren't already a member of Goodreads (which, you really should be.  It's free and you can keep track of all of your books on there and be friends with people who read books.  Fabulous site.), just sign up.

Need some ideas to beef up your word count?  Or do you just need something to organize your ideas?  Maybe you just want a new program that's cool and that you want to play around with.  I get that.  Here are the 25 Most Effective Tools for NaNoWriMo Success.

Looking to get away from NaNo?  Go to the library, read a book.  Go for a run.  Go mini-golfing or bowling or visit your favorite blog.  I have a habit of spending too much time on Pinterest.  If all else fails, go to your favorite coffee shop and people watch for awhile.  You'd be amazed at the ideas that come to you.  My point is, NaNo isn't all about burying yourself in your novel.  Sometimes it's about giving into a little procrastination to further inspiration.

Whatever you decide to do this NaNo, we're going to be here every stop of the way here at ReviewMeTwice.  And as always, feel free to post those word counts.  We would love to know them. :)  Happy NaNoing!

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