
Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Amazon Book Publishing

Amazon does a lot of great things for people who write books.  For instance, you can essential publish your own book with their self-publishing franchise, CreateSpace.  CreateSpace essentially gives you all the tools you would ever need to publish your book online.  No agents or Publishers required.  Of course, it's all electronic (they don't deal in hardcopies), but for people just looking to get their names out there, this is a great way to to.

Amazon is also all about the free books.  Now, I'll grant you that most of these books aren't really something most of us here at ReviewMeTwice would read, that doesn't change the fact that you find a rare gem every once in awhile.  Not to mention, if the book is out of copyright, there's probably a free eCopy of it on Amazon.

I think, probably the best of all though, is Amazon giving out free money to up and coming writers.  It's a contest they've been doing for six years now that gives new writers the opportunity to get not only a full publishing contract, but also a $50,000 advance.  Five runner ups will receive a $15,000 advance.  Not so shabby for a day's work.  You can visit Amazon's Prize Page for more details of the many things you could win!

At worst, nothing will happen but this at least forces you to get a real manuscript together.  At best, you could have $50,000. :)

Happy Writing!

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