
Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Pride & Prejudice Film Adaptations


This is the first version of Pride & Prejudice that was ever done, and to be honest, it shows its age.  They really rush the story line, throwing things together that don't make a lot of sense.  They seem to want to get all the exposition of the book out in just a few scenes.  
They also don't have a lot of the period stuff down, but I think that's just another sign of the times.  Movies were still realitively new, so they didn't so much pay attention to things like appropriate clothes for the time period. As a result, it ends up being more Scarlett O'Hara than Jane Austen.

And the acting was... ehhhh.  Everyone in the movie ended up being nice and wholesome, when in the book, people really weren't.  Mrs. De Bough doesn't like Elizabeth in the book, but in the movie, it's a big conspiracy that she's trying to help Darcy.


If you have ever seen a version of Pride & Prejudice that wasn't the Kiera Knightly version, than it was probably this one (though, I've heard the Colin Firth redux is pretty popular, so maybe not.)  There are some really great things about the BBC version.  For instance, BBC puts just about everything from the book into the movie.  Also, I really feel that the girls were appropriately cast in this series, which didn't happen in its predecessor.  The clothing was amazing and I really liked looking at all the pretty houses and seeing scenes I may not have seen in other versions.

However, it's attribute can also be its downfall.  Everything is included in this version, and it's all in order, but sometimes, things just needed to be condensed.  There are things about the novel that, as a viewer, are irrelevant and we don't really need to sit through them.  Over all, a decent version that you should sit down and watch at some point.


The Colin Firth version with the infamous wet shirt scene (which... I'm still not really sure why it's in there.  I'm prrreeeetttttyyy certain this wasn't in the book.)  Honestly, Firth makes a great Darcy, and Elizabeth is well-cast too.  While I think some of the other characters are not what I would have expecting, I don't think there are any bad choices.

The BBC also seems to learn this time around.  Yes, there is a LOT of material in this one.  However, they're not as strict to the book as last time.  They learned what should be cut out and where you can combine and add things.  While this is long (you're looking at about five hours of show), it's a lot better than the first one that BBC did.  Definitely worth watching when you have some time.


This is the only version of the book that, as your dedicated blogger, I didn't watch.  It wasn't available on Netflix, so I didn't see it, but it's a modern day version of Pride & Prejudice.  Elizabeth is a writer in college and fights with a business man, Mr. Darcy.  From what I've gleaned, it's like Pride & Prejudice in the way that Clueless is like Emma.  Keeps the basic plot points, but updates it drastically for modern day.


To date, this is probably the most well known and, in my opinion, best adaptation of the bunch.  It doesn't try and modernize it, but neither does it include every detail that there ever was in the book.  It skillfully condenses the things you need to know, but also keeps the things that you absolutely love about the book.  Your favorite scenes and most inspiring speeches are included in it.  Not to mention, all the acting is well done.

Probably my only complaint is that, sometimes, you can tell they're disregarding the time period for the romance.  They were huge on propriety in 1818 England and didn't let men and woman walk around together, alone.  There was certainly no cuddling or touching or romantic anything until you were married (and sometimes not even then.)  This movie, while good, does take a few liberties.


This adaptation is a little different than all the rest, mainly because it's not a true adaptation.  Amanda Price ends up in the world of Austen, living out her favorite book Pride & Prejudice.  Elizabeth ends up in present day, though the movie follows Amanda.  Inevitably, Amanda messes up the entire story line and can't seem to get back to her world (despite her many pleas with Elizabeth whom, we assume, is on the other side of the door.)

While a fun movie, to be sure, especially as we see Amanda stumble through this unfamiliar world, it has some major flaws.  Because of her forwardness, just about every man falls in love with her in a second, except for of course, Darcy.  We also miss some of the most beloved characters, like Elizabeth's Aunt and Uncle.  We seem miss some of the best moments of the book (if you read the book, I think you'll understand what scenes I'm talking about.)  Amanda seems to fill the role of Elizabeth, unknowingly.  So does she end up with Mr. Darcy?  Well, you'll just have to watch it yourself.
Don't let my complaints sway you to think I didn't like it, though.  It fulfilled all my girlie romance desires and had a satisfying ending.  One that you expected, but didn't at the same time.  Other than the copious amounts of crying (there were tons) and the movie going on probably longer than necessary (about two and half hours), I really enjoyed it.

The things I liked best about watching all of these movies was seeing different takes on my favorite parts of the book.  For the most part, a lot of the scenes were similar, but the acting was different.  I loved watcing Darcy and Elizabeth fight and interact.  I loved seeing who they would get for Mr. Collins, because I think he is just the most ridiculous character.  I think that the 2005 version probably had my favorite Mr. Collins, but I was never dissatisfied with any of the other choices.

I also learned things that I never caught onto in the book.  For instance, it took me until watching these movies that Mary isn't GOOD at the piano and singing.  Part of the joke is that she's so terrible at singing, which I never really grasped in the written word.


  1. I like the 2005 version. This is a story that I think does really well as a film. I enjoyed the film a lot, but I am not a fan of the book. I got very bogged down in her language and there were a lot of parts that I found boring (ex: everything with Mr. Collins)that the movies cut out, thus making it more entertaining for me.

    1. That's so sad that it's the language that turns you off! That's my favorite part. :) Mr. Collins' parts can get a little ridiculous, but that's why I kind of like it. I mean, he mentions Lady Catherine about a MILLION times. It's almost like she pays him to be her publicist (which, considering how much money she gives him, that's almost true.) And she's so ridiculously overbearing, you wonder how anyone could ever like her, but Collins is just smitten with her.

      And the real irony is that Darcy and Lady Catherine talk about Elizabeth's family's terrible manners, but they're just as bad, if not worse (which, is kind of the point.)
