
Sunday, March 31, 2013

April: NaPoWriMo & Camp NaNoWriMo

Yep, it's another special Sunday post! I'm just popping in to say that NaPoWriMo (National Poetry Writing Month) and Camp NaNoWriMo's first session both start tomorrow, April 1! (No joke, I promise.)

For NaPoWriMo, you write a poem every day in April. I'll be talking about poetry on Thursdays this month to help you along.

And Camp NaNoWriMo is like regular NaNoWriMo, except (1) it's in April (and another session in June); (2) you can set your own word count goal; and (3) you can be put into a cabin with other writers to help you along and chat about your writing and whatever else!

I'll be participating in both, so if you are too, tell me about it! Comment on the blog, email us at reviewmetwice [at] gmail [dot] com, tweet us @ReviewMeTwice, or tell us about it on Facebook!

1 comment:

  1. I think I might've heard of the Poetry challenge once upon a time but I'll definitely be partaking in both. It seems lately I only write poetry as it relates to a story.
