
Monday, March 18, 2013

Author Bio: George R. R. Martin

George R. R. Martin is the author of the hugely popular Song of Ice and Fire series, which begins with Game of Thrones, this week's review book.

When I think of fantasy authors, I usually picture an older white male from England. In this case, I was close... he's actually from New Jersey. He has a BS and an MS in journalism from Northwestern University in Illinois.

He worked on several projects across TV and print, including the Wild Cards series which is incredibly long. (Basically, some people get superpowers from a virus.)

In 1983, his novel Armageddon Rag (you know, I wonder if this is now going to become SUPER popular because he's become such a success.) was a total bust, and he was discouraged from working on novels for many years. In 1991, he went back to them, and began creating the Song of Ice and Fire stories. The first, Game of Thrones, was published in 1996. The other books are, in order: Clash of Kings, Storm of Swords, Feast of CrowsDance with Dragons, Winds of Winter, and Dream of Spring. (The last two are not yet published, and the last could have a title change before it is written. It was originally going to be Time for Wolves.)

The television rights to the series were bought by HBO in 2007, and the first season aired two years ago, and covered the first book. The second season covers A Clash of Kings, and the third season, scheduled to begin airing in two weeks, on March 31, should cover the first half of A Storm of Swords. (These are approximations; to translate the story properly to television, events have been moved around a bit.)

And now, because I know that if you're even vaguely familiar with the show, you must have the theme song stuck in your head like I do, I present it here for your convenience:

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