
Saturday, March 9, 2013

By Its Cover - Stuck in Estrogen's Funhouse

This cover does a wonderful job of hinting at what lies between its covers. It's pink: chick lit. There's a martini glass: Marti is a bartender, and there are several instances of drinking throughout the story. The woman in the glass looks confused (and rightly so, since she's in a martini glass): Marti spends the entire book confused and lost, in a sense. Excellent.

The font is rounded but still in straight lines: not overly fun but not terribly serious. While the topics covered by the book would be quite serious in real life, the book has a lighter tone: not making light of important things, but not weighing everyone down with excessive gravity. So this font fits wonderfully.

I like this cover... It's helpful to anyone trying to decide if they would like the book, it draws the eye without being gaudy, and it's easy to read, even from a bit of a distance.

I really like the cover.  It's fun and flirty and, well, girly.  This book is a very girly book and I think whoever designed the cover did a great job with it.  They really hit the nail on the head for the feel of the book.  That's not an easy thing to do.

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