
Monday, April 15, 2013

Author Bio: Marissa Meyer

Marissa Meyer (under no circumstances to be confused with Stephanie) is a 29-year-old YA novelist, and author of this week's review book: Cinder

From her website,

She has always - since her first understanding that "author" is a job - wanted to write. As a teen, she wrote dozens of Sailor Moon fanfics (which you can still find at, under her nom de plume, Alicia Blade).

She attended Pacific Lutheran University and got a Bachelor's in Creative Writing and Children's Literature. She got a Master's in Publishing at Pace University, then worked as an editor, typesetter, and proofreader.

Cinder was her first novel, and the first of the Lunar Chronicles series. It's sort-of-sci-fi-sort-of-fantasy, drawing on the groundwork of Cinderella (which you will hear more about tomorrow!). Scarlet is the second in the series, and is out as of February. Cress is expected in 2014, and Winter in 2015.

She keeps a blog HERE, and posts fairly regularly.

We love a good up-and-coming author here at RMT!

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