
Friday, May 31, 2013

Review Me Twice: Inside Out by Terry Trueman

Inside Out is a very short book. Terry Trueman has been praised again and again for writing books that not only find a genuine teenage voice to delve into difficult topics, but for doing it in books with language choices and lengths that appeal to reluctant readers.

Without talking down to the audience by being overly simplistic or didactic, Trueman tells a compelling tale about two boys holding up a coffee shop, from the POV of another boy, with severe adolescent-onset schizophrenia, who is one of their hostages.

It's a quick read, but it isn't fluff. And please, take my advice... if you are a fan of maple bars, get one before you sit down with this book. Otherwise, you are going to be seriously jonesing for one before you're done.

This book reminded me a lot of Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time.  Our main character, Zach, has the very same kind of mannerisms.  He seems a lot younger than he really is but... he's weirdly endearing during the book.
Also, I like that the "bad guys" in it aren't really bad.  They're just confused, scared kids.  I like that not everything is as it seems in the book.  It's well written.  

The ending was... surprising.  It didn't end exactly how I thought it would, but I like it more for that reason, I think.  A quick read, so worth picking up.

My Bottom Line 4 out of 5

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