
Monday, November 18, 2013

I'm watching all of the books.

This week, we're reviewing Catching Fire because the new movie is coming out (and it will be awesome and I'm going to see it Saturday.  So be jealous.)  I know that we usually talk about author bios on Mondays (or something equally educational) but today, we're not doing that.

In fact, this post has pretty close to zero literary value.  It's November.  Cut us some slack.

Instead, we're going to post all the trailers for the books-to-movies coming out.  And we're going to start with Catching Fire.

This isn't the only movie that was first a book coming out.  The Book Thief is already in theaters.  If you're going to go see it, I advise a box of tissues.

The last one we're going to tell you about is actually a book that we haven't talked about much, but we both love.  How I Live Now is only being released in select theaters.  Which is sad, because I really want to see it.

Those are all the movies that we know about coming out based on books.  Did we miss some?  Which are you most looking forward to seeing?


  1. I'm going to see Catching Fire this weekend hopefully. I am super excited! Yay birthday present to myself! :) Both of the other films look good too. Although I wouldn't be surprised if they took all of incest-y stuff out of How I Live Now.

    1. You know, I said almost the same thing to Alex. It was more, "Do you think they'll take the incest out of How I Live Now?"

      She made the valid point that it's an indy movie, so they might not.

  2. Definitely excited for Catching Fire. On another note, there are quite a few theaters that show limited release movies, especially in Maryland. Have you checked it out?

    1. I have! I could go to Silver Springs, but it seems like a long way to see a movie by myself.

      Unless you want to go. I would totally drive if you came with me.
