
Saturday, November 16, 2013


We will no longer be posting "By Its Cover" posts on Saturdays. From now on, if we have something to say about the cover of a review book, it will be said in our Friday reviews.

If you have strong opinions one way or the other about the disappearance of By Its Cover, feel free to let us know about those opinions in the comments below. According to our blog statistics, they are the least popular of our posts, and this choice will free up Saturdays for other interesting things in the future.

Also, we'd love to know what you thought about it and your favorite By Its Cover, if you had one.  

Have an idea for a Saturday post?  We'd love to know that too.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so completely devastated about this!!!!! Whaaaaaa!!!!!

    No, j/k. I have no opinion. Its your blog and you can do what you want to. :)
