
Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Favorite Biography

Since we're talking about I Am Malala this week, and her autobiography, we decided to talk about our favorite biographies.

The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks is a book we've read on this blog.  While technically it IS a biography, it's really seems like so much more than that.  You learn about her life, her death, her family and all the benefits and troubles that having the most famous cells in the world brought.

It was also interesting because it poses such a moral dilemma. Yes, it's wrong to take someone else's cells without their permission.  At the same time, if Henrietta's doctors hadn't done it, there would be so much today that we don't have that are due to her cells.  It's a touching book and heartfelt and is a good balance between the science and the story.

Well, we're starting the year on an easy note, because my favorite biography is also The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks!

There is so much in this book. Do you like science? History? Biography? Ethics? This book has it all.

If you want to hear more about what we think of it, we reviewed it in October of 2012.

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