
Monday, February 17, 2014

Author Bio: Allie Brosh

Allie Brosh is the talented, funny, fascinating creator of the blog Hyperbole and a Half and the book by the same name. She tells stories, mostly from her childhood and many from her adult life, and adds her own illustrations. If you've ever seen the all the things meme, that's her work.

Hey look! That's her.
She is one of my personal heroes. I know that sounds a little silly, to have a cartoon-drawing bloggess as one of my heroes, but from everything I know about her, I love her. She's smart, funny, talented, and to top it all off, she has recently been posting about her struggles with depression, with what I think is a really great approach. See these two posts (part 1 and part 2 and actually the one that goes between them too) to see what I mean.

The Alot is one of her classic stories/comics and it's hilarious. She does for the phrase "a lot" what The Oatmeal has done with semicolons, the word "whom," apostrophes, and commonly misspelled words.

So if you like Allie Brosh and what she does, you're going to have a great time on the blog this week.

Potentially too-late disclaimer... there's a lot of swearing on pretty much every link in this post.

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