
Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Summer Reading

With summer coming up so quickly, a lot of summer reading programs are starting.  I'm just going to tell you about a few that you can sign your kids (if you have them) and yourself up for.

B&N has a summer reading program for kids.  It's fairly simple.  Read books, keep track of what your read, write a little diddy and get a free book!  The books are divided by age range and for every 8 books a kid reads, they can turn in their journals for a free book from Barnes & Noble.

BAM also has a summer reading program for kids.  They only require six books to receive a free book, but they also seem to have less selection than B&N for the books you get for free.  Either way, it's a great place to enroll your kid.

The Library

Libraries ALWAYS have summer reading programs.  I've lived in three states and I have yet to have a library that doesn't sponsor one.  What's more, the library that I currently go to actually has a summer reading program for adults.  And two ways to participate.  You can play reading "bingo" and complete tasks around the library (like learning how to use the card catalogue) or you can just read books.  The prizes are actually a raffle as opposed to physical things, but you do get entered to win a lot cooler stuff, like and iPad.

Scholastic has an online summer reading program.  Kids read books, log them on the website, and they can earn rewards, mostly online virtual prizes.  However, they do get entered into contests to win things like books and posters.

What other summer reading programs did I miss?

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