
Thursday, October 2, 2014

Favorite Blog Post This Year - Alex

Not to brag or anything, but we had a pretty amazing year on this blog. We picked some incredible books (and some really terrible ones, but more good ones than bad ones), we covered some really interesting topics, Cassy got involved with her local radio station AND managed to get a signed copy of If I Stay to use in a giveaway... plus we both got married. Like I said: amazing year.

So it was really hard to pick an absolute favorite post out of all that amazing stuff, but I finally had to go with:

Cassy wrote that one in the wake of NaNoWriMo 2013 (yes, it's almost that time again!) and I just thought it was such a neat tool to use. Sure, I knew what word clouds were before that, and I knew of other uses for them, but I hadn't thought to check my own writing for redundancy with one.

I picked out a few runners-up, though:
- Cassy's post on retelling stories (she's the resident expert on that, after all, since she did a great job doing so for NaNoWriMo).
- Our favorite superpower post, because it was a little different from our normal favorites posts (and because we both chose to illustrate our superpowers with cats).
- And, weirdly enough, a post I wrote almost exactly a year ago about plagiarism and citations. (What can I say? I really love my job.)

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