
Friday, November 14, 2014

Review Me Twice: The Museum of Intangible Things by Wendy Wunder


I read this book a long while ago, when I picked it out for the blog. It was more quickly available from the library than the things we were reading sooner, and it was short and a quickish read.

But that means I totally forgot everything about it. I read a spoiler-filled summary to remind myself of the plot points and remembered what happened in the book (one friend who can't dream big, one friend with severe and untreated bipolar disorder, they go on a road trip and it's all ridiculous) and then I could remember reading it, but I also remembered it not grabbing me. I finished the book despite my lack of feelings for it, but mostly just so I wouldn't feel bad when I grabbed the next book on my to-read pile.

I've heard really great things about Wunder's other books (especially Probability of Miracles) so maybe this is just atypical of her writing, but I was not invested, personally.

I really wanted this book to end differently than it did.  I won't tell you how it ended, but I wanted it to be more hopeful.  And I feel like it maybe wasn't the best representation of bi-polar disorder in the world, which makes me not like it even more.  Most people don't have the extreme case that Zoe has in this book.  But, I guess then it wouldn't been a very interesting book.

Also, I feel the ending is kind of rushed.  It's like, "Huge things that happens!!!  Page and a half that sums up the REST OF MY LIFE but doesn't really answer any of your questions, it just causes you to ask more of them."

I have fairly strong feelings about endings (if you haven't garnered that) and if I don't like it, it can ruin a book.  And, to be honest.  I didn't have particularly strong feelings about this one anyway, so overall, I'm kind of meh.....

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