
Tuesday, February 17, 2015


We've talked about genres on here a ton, but Sub-Genres aren't really something we've touched on (or at least I don't think we have.  I'm not going to lie guys, after three years of this blog, sometimes, I forget what I've talked to you about.)

So why am I bringing it up today?  Well, while we classified our book this week as romance, which the series eventually will turn into, the first book, if it were a stand alone, could really be classified more as urban fantasy.

Kind of weirdly specific, isn't it?  But think about it.  What thoughts are invoked when you think fantasy?  Faeries and witches and a little bit of an old time, old fashioned, old world, sword and shield and magic type of world with horses, right?  In fact, Rhapsody, the fantasy book we reviewed, was exactly like that.

Urban fantasy lets you know it's more modern day.  It's probably going to take place in a city, or a much more modern setting, with technology and cell phones and a girl who lives in the very same world that you do and uses things that you're familiar with... there just happens to be magic there too.

Sub-genres are actually pretty important things.  If I hate horror, but love fiction, I can steer clear of the horror sub-genre in fiction (Stephen King, I'm looking at you.)  Historical Fiction (or romance) are both sub-genres.  They let me know that, fiction or romance, they're going to be taking place during a certain time period.  Usually, you're looking at a Tudor England type setting (especially with Historical Romance), but Outlander is historical fiction and it takes place in Scotland in the 18th century.

Sub-genres are just as important as genres, maybe more so, when deciding what books we like and what we don't like.  However, just keep in mind, book aren't usually organized by their subgenres.  If you walk into a book store and ask where the historical fiction section is, you're probably going to get a weird look from the bookseller.

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