
Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Favorite Blogs into Books

Technically my favorite blog into a book is a Tumblr into a book, but I feel like it's all counts.  Internet media into a book.

Alex and I reviewed this book quite some time ago (about two years ago, actually!), and really, there's nothing I don't love about it.  Mostly because, as someone who now works in a bookstore, I can relate to pretty much every single thing that goes on in this book.  I have worked retail for a large portion of my life, and the way that people act towards you when you work retail is... well actually kind of insane.

That's not to say that it's all bad, and that's what I like about Campbell's book.  It's not a whole book about all these terrible things that happened and all these terrible customers she's had.  But it's certainly a book that makes you question what people are thinking sometimes.

She still keeps up the tumblr here, but it's more a promotional type space than a recording of crazy things customers say.

My favorite blog-to-book is also one that we've read here on our blog:

Allie Brosh's Hyperbole and a Half. I love her humor, her drawings, and her stories, which makes an excellent combination. She has slowed down a lot with posting to the blog lately, but the internet explodes a little every time she does post, which is pretty cool.

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