
Friday, November 13, 2015

The End

I realize that it's been close to three months since anything has gone up on here, and I've been meaning to post something to let everyone know what's been going on, but Alex and I have just gotten crazy busy with life.

Which is part of the reason we have such sad news to deliver (if you haven't already figured it out.)  We've decided to discontinue the blog.  When we started this blog, she had part time jobs, I had no job, and neither of us were married.  Now we both have full time jobs, we're married and have a pluthera of other things going on in our lives.

Other things that have made it impossible for us to continue reviewing and writing for all you lovely folks.  This month, as per usual, we both doing NaNo again, adding one more thing onto the pile of things in our lives.  I transferred to a different store.

But, we want to let you know that we have LOVED reading and reviewing books for you these three years.  And we hope you've found books that you've loved in that time.  It's always been our goal to recommend books we adored and books that were near and dear to our hearts.

That being said, we're keeping the site up, because who knows?  Maybe one day we'll come back.  And, we don't want to get rid of the stuff we've done these three years.  We just can't continue for now.

So until next time, readers.

1 comment:

  1. NO! My friend recommend you guys to me a few days ago! You guys are amazing! I've learned about 1984, a book I've wanted to read for awhile but never had the time. Thanks so much!
