
Monday, June 2, 2014

Illustrator Bio: Jon Klassen

We're reading The Dark by Lemoney Snickett this week, but since we've already done an author bio on him, I figured this week, we would take a look at the illustrator of the book, Jon Klassen.

Klassen has actually done a number of books that you would recognize, probably the most notable being This is Not My Hat (which, if you haven't read, you should because it's a cute, short, adorable, funny book.)  I Want My Hat Back is also another book that made a big splash, though it's often criticized that it's inappropriate for children.  (The bear eats the rabbit off screen at the end.)

Klassen grew up in Canada, going to school at Sheridan College.  In 2006, he moved to LA, where he currently still resides.  He did animation work on both Kung Fu Panda and Coraline.  You can follow his blog or his tumblr.

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